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Pantent Pending

This package contains the following products:

#300-1: Acne Facial Cleanser
4 U.S. FL. OZ. / 120 ML

#300-2: Acne Exfoliator
2 U.S. FL. OZ. / 60 ML

#300-3: Acne Gel
2 U.S. FL. OZ. / 60 ML

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Package Price: $145.00
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There is probably no factor that affects self-esteem more than facial appearance. Even the most significant blemishes can send us into emotional overdrive, which leaves us feeling emotionally vulnerable. This will not occur anymore with a prescription of MeSuá Dermasystem® Anti-Acne. With this prescription strength system, teenagers and adults, male or female, can knock out almost all types of skin troubles and experience radiant and healthy looking complexion that is prescription strength.

MeSuá Dermasystem® is a medically advanced innovative skin-care program. The MeSuá Dermasystem® only uses pharmaceutical grade ingredients in the manufacturing of these products. This combination of botanical and marine extracts, enzymes and anti-oxidants guarantees results incomparable to any other product. The action of the Alpha and Beta hydroxy acids increases the production of collagen and elastin while aiding in intercellular communication and literally re-educating the skin's cells to produce more rapidly. This process creates more youthful and normal cells.

After two to four weeks of use in the morning and evening, you will begin to see results for the following conditions: black heads, white heads, inflammatory pimples and non-inflammatory pimples. It also treats and minimizes oily skin.

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